The store procedure will have multiple functions:
checking if a file exist in c:\data
if file exist, it will use zip file command line to unzip the file and then run DTS package to upload the database.
The issue I am having is when I run the store procedure from MS query analyzer,I get a confirmation that the whole procedure ran successfully, but when I call the same procedure from aspx, althought the store procedure ran successfully, but I did not get any confirmation to the user in the aspx page to notify the user that the process successed... here is my code in where I think is not working,
CREATE PROCEDURE p_on_demand_dts_sales_option_price_report_3_ftest int , @.msg_output varchar(28) output
declare @.varcmd varchar(255),@.FileExist int
select @.varcmd = null
select @.varcmd ='dir :\Data_on_demand\sales_option_price_report.csv' -- check if file exist
EXEC @.FileExist = master..xp_cmdshell @.varcmd
set @.msg_output = 'The file exists'
Return 44
+++ The above store procedure use command line to check if the csv file exist, its suppose will return a output parameter and a return # BUT it did not. To my surprise, when I modify the above store procedure like this, it work
CREATE PROCEDURE p_on_demand_dts_sales_option_price_report_3_ftest int , @.msg_output varchar(28) output
set @.msg_output = 'The file exists'
Return 44
The second procedure does not do anything, except take input parameter and return a message output and return, this work.
since the second procedure works, it means that the code in aspx is correct, but I have no clue why it does not return output parameter and return # in the first procedure.
I would really appreciate anyone who could help.
ehx5what value are you trying to retuen form the stored proc ? the msg? or the value 44 ?
try :
set @.msg_output = 'The file exists'
return @.msg_output
hth|||What is your code in aspx to catch the output value?|||hi, thanks for your reply, the store procedure should get back to the client the following:
output message
and a return #
The aspx will get those values and present them to the user in label.
hope this will help.
Al|||then you would need to set up both as output parameters..
CREATE PROCEDURE p_on_demand_dts_sales_option_price_report_3_ftest int , @.msg_output varchar(28)OUTPUT, @.retid intOUTPUT as
and set the values to both the parameters..
set @.msg_output="the file exists"
set @.retid=44return @.msg_output
return @.retid
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